Quality assurance

Quality assurance

img_quality Thales SESO has an ISO 9001:2008 facility. Our quality department is in charge of the quality assurance (norms), product assurance (project monitoring – we can apply the ECSS norm if required), and Quality control (testing on products). This department is directly attached to the president to insure its independence. The quality engineer ensures that contractual requirements are met, from the signature of the contracts to the products final acceptance

Main activities involving the Quality department during the project life


Contract review Review of the order and possible quality requirements.
Design control Design documents and change requests validation.
Purchasing Validation of orders with quality specifications. Follow-up and evaluation of suppliers and sub-contractors.
Process-control Checking of the manufacturing and inspection flow chart. Implementation of quality indicators.
Identification and traceability Process and products identification. Use of travelling cards (pieces) and log book (assembled products) for projects requiring traceability.
Inspection and testing Writing of inspection reports for each incoming, in process and final inspection.
Handling – Packaging and delivery Packaging and complete file checking before sending validation note.
Document and data control Documents filling and archiving (standards, THALES SESO documents).
Non-conforming product – Corrective actions Filling of a non-conformance report submitted to the Project and Quality manager.
Configuration Configuration control for each project by the use and the filling of a configuration status list.
Spatial Management materials and processes. Management and follow-up of contamination.

This list is not exhaustive.

Quality assurance

img_quality Thales SESO has an ISO 9001:2008 facility. Our quality department is in charge of the quality assurance (norms), product assurance (project monitoring – we can apply the ECSS norm if required), and Quality control (testing on products). This department is directly attached to the president to insure its independence.

The quality engineer ensures that contractual requirements are met, from the signature of the contracts to the products final acceptance

Main activities involving the Quality department during the project life


Contract review Review of the order and possible quality requirements.
Design control Design documents and change requests validation.
Purchasing Validation of orders with quality specifications. Follow-up and evaluation of suppliers and sub-contractors.
Process-control Checking of the manufacturing and inspection flow chart. Implementation of quality indicators.
Identification and traceability Process and products identification. Use of travelling cards (pieces) and log book (assembled products) for projects requiring traceability.
Inspection and testing Writing of inspection reports for each incoming, in process and final inspection.
Handling – Packaging and delivery Packaging and complete file checking before sending validation note.
Document and data control Documents filling and archiving (standards, THALES SESO documents).
Non-conforming product – Corrective actions Filling of a non-conformance report submitted to the Project and Quality manager.
Configuration Configuration control for each project by the use and the filling of a configuration status list.
Spatial Management materials and processes. Management and follow-up of contamination.

This list is not exhaustive.