Test & Control
The high precision testing of optical components has always been a key expertise of Thales SESO. With our continuous improvements in term of Wave Front Error and roughness results, we need to lower the resolution of our instruments to make sure all the products we deliver are conform to the customer requirements.
High Resolution Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
We can go lower than 3µm and measure diameters up to 2200mm.
Optical measurement for WFE
We have a large collection of high end interferometer including:
– Fast Acquisition interferometers
– High Resolution interferometers
– Wavelength shifting interferometers
We can measure sub-nanometer (RMS) WFE.
These interferometers are mounted on measurement benches that can accommodate large optics.
Large amount of objectives
Since our establishment in 1965, we have accumulated a large number of objectives to adapt the interferometry bench to any configuration.
Roughness measurement
Using white light interferometers, with a precision as low as 0.3Ȧ