Portfolio Category: Ground-based Astronomy


Spectrograph optics for HRS-SALT

hrs_thales00Thales Seso has full capabilities to design, manufacture, assembly and test spectrograph optics such as dioptric Collimator and Camera assemblies. The Bue and Red CAM assemblies for the High Resolution Spectrograph of the South African Large Telescope was a. typical example of Thales Seso...
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PEPSI prisms and cross dispersers for LBT

pepsi_thales00Under a contract issued by the AIP, Thales Seso has manufactured a set of 6 Cross Dispersers (one for spectral band in-between 365nm-950nm) used in the PEPSI spectrograph installed at focal plane of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). [row] [span9]
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The technical...
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