Update on new generation bimorph X-ray mirror for synchrotron beamlines

Many new generation bimorph x-ray mirrors, manufactured by Thales-SESO, are currently in use. A recent article announces scientific advances, thanks to a close collaboration between Diamond Light Source (DLS) and Thales SESO. Bimorph mirrors are versatile active optics used on many synchrotron beamlines. This new generation bimorph with piezos bonded to the side faces of a monolithic substrate was developed at Thales SESO. DLS has a lot of experience in the metrology feedback from the Diamond-NOM and has shown that the optical slope error was reduced to 0.5 µrad RMS for a range of ellipses. It is hoped that this new design will reinvigorate the use of active bimorph optics at synchrotron and free-electron laser facilities to manipulate and correct X-ray wavefronts. A coauthored article has been published in Synchrotron Radiation Online. Simon G. Alcock, Ioana Nistea, John P. Sutter, Kawal Sawhney, Jean-Jacques Fermé, Christophe Thellier and Luca Peverini.
Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE, UK, Thales-SESO, 305 rue Louis Armand, Pôle d’Activités d’Aix les Milles, Aix-en-Provence, France Correspondence e-mail: simon.alcock@diamond.ac.uk
For more information about this publication follow the following link: http://journals.iucr.org/s/issues/2015/01/00/ie5126/index.html


Many new generation bimorph x-ray mirrors, manufactured by Thales-SESO, are currently in use. A recent article announces scientific advances, thanks to a close collaboration between Diamond Light Source (DLS) and Thales SESO. Bimorph mirrors are versatile active optics used on many synchrotron beamlines. This new generation bimorph with piezos bonded to the side faces of a monolithic substrate was developed at Thales SESO. DLS has a lot of experience in the metrology feedback from the Diamond-NOM and has shown that the optical slope error was reduced to 0.5 µrad RMS for a range of ellipses. It is hoped that this new design will reinvigorate the use of active bimorph optics at synchrotron and free-electron laser facilities to manipulate and correct X-ray wavefronts. A coauthored article has been published in Synchrotron Radiation Online. Simon G. Alcock, Ioana Nistea, John P. Sutter, Kawal Sawhney, Jean-Jacques Fermé, Christophe Thellier and Luca Peverini.
Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE, UK, Thales-SESO, 305 rue Louis Armand, Pôle d’Activités d’Aix les Milles, Aix-en-Provence, France Correspondence e-mail: simon.alcock@diamond.ac.uk
For more information about this publication follow the following link: http://journals.iucr.org/s/issues/2015/01/00/ie5126/index.html


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